Raison d'être / Prologue
Characters: Mika, Shu
Season: Winter
Time: The first year of ES' establishment. The middle of March.
Location: Shu Itsuki's Paris Lodgings

Shu: That is to say, I am still being slighted in regards to my use of a cup phone.
Mika: What ya said, 'slighted', what's that mean? It's gotta kinda charmin' sound to it~ ♪
Shu: What I mean is, I am still being ridiculed. How do I let these vulgar philistines know that far away in the distant past — when I was a student — I had not yet become familiar with modern conveniences such as these?
Mika: Nnah~, don'tcha think that's a bit different from bein' made fun of? Maybe they jus' think it's funny?
Shu: Oh-ho, do you find those two concepts to be distinct? Do you consider your reasoning to be as such: the former is slander, and the latter is a favorable expression?
Mika: W-well, I didn't really think it'd be that complicated.
Why're ya so worried over this, Oshi-san? Weren't we jus' havin' a fun talk about the weird rules in my room at Starmony Dorms? Just chattin'?
Well, y'know~, whenever I'd hang a cup phone from my room, my roommate'd always take notice sayin' somethin' like, "Ah, Kagehira is definitely talking to Oshi-san today."
Shouldn'tcha rather be grateful, or happy, or somethin' like that?
Shu: Am I not supposed to take offense to the fact that a cup phone could be related to me in such a way?
It is undoubtable that the spiteful lot from our home country — still, to this day — view me as some hard-to-please, anachronistic, elderly person who is in need of nursing care.
Ha! The manner in which they are wholly unable to undergo mental development is proof of aging itself!
Mika: What's that gotta do with me~...? Why're ya actually in a bad mood, Oshi-san?
What's th'matter? Did somethin' bad happen at university?
Shu: Hmm. There is nothing in particular; it was quite peaceful and uneventful. What sort of person do you take me for?
Mika: It's 'cause Oshi-san is Oshi-san that I'm worried!
Shu: Are you in any position to be concerned for other people? You've grown exeedingly, haven't you?
I know! You are a fully qualified human now! You no longer require me to take care of and raise you in various ways— you are capable of walking on your own, now, is that it?
Congratulations, Pinocchio! Isn't it such a relief that you have become so accustomed to humanhood!?

Mika: (Nnah~... Oshi-san has been irritated fer a while, after all~... Whenever I'm in a good mood, Oshi-san seems t'get in a bad one.)
(What's he actually mad at, though? Well, I might'a done somethin'.)
(I really ain't got the foggiest idea...)
(Even with how busy th'end of the school year is, I went outta my way t'come all the way here to Paris, since Oshi-san said, "I want to talk to you about the future.")
(Doin' anythin' but actually praisin' me, it was then, when I said I'd be movin' into the Starmony Dorms startin' next year, that he started t'get all irritated like that.)
(I dunno, maybe Oshi-san's plans were different?)
(But... since Valkyrie generally only has work back home, it's more efficient t'stay there.)
(I'm different from Oshi-san; there's nothin' in particular I wanna study abroad. 'Sides, I wouldn't be able t'get into the same university as Oshi-san with my brains.)
(Even so, I wanna live together with Oshi-san. Is sayin' somethin' like that selfish?)
(I'd be a bother fer the people at Oshisan's place. Would I even have anythin' t'do here?)
(It's lonely, but... It's annoyin' t'have ta be near someone jus' cause they're feelin' lonely, isn't it, Oshi-san?)
Shu: Non! Why have your hands come to a stop, Kagehira-kuuun? Did I forget to wind your mainspring?
Mika: Nnaaagh, why're ya callin' me "kun"~? Feelin' like the distance between us is growin' is lonely!
Shu: Is this not suitable? Are you not always far too overly familiar with me, to an abnormal extent? Thanks to you, I misjudged the appropriate amount of distance that should be between us!
Owing to that, I became confused and began making serious preparations in earnest for the sake of your new life here! I bowed my head to the landlady, secured a room, and furnished it— I prepared everything to perfection, kakaka!
Well, it was all in vain, in the end! Go on, then, laugh at me for being foolish enough to eagerly believe in a falsehood, and superfluously attempt to bring it to reality!
Mika: Nnah~...? O-Oshi-san, if that's what'cha really want, then I can start the movin' procedure now?

Shu: That is not needed nor wanted! I have no idea what came over me. Take the preparations, furniture, and everything I procured for you back home to sell off for funds to aid Valkyrie's activities!
Take all the works I made this past year back with you to sell, as well! To a certain extent, I believe their prices will be agreeable; is it not right to have pride in oneself?
Our performance at that fateful great war — 'SS' — was not very satisfactory...
We were forced to take part in slapstick comedy and the like, and our reputation suffered as a result.
In order to eliminate those flaws, let us sell a variety of items to procure funds, so that we may open the curtain on new artistic ventures.
In reality, we are not in the situation to be joyful about a new life.
Mika: My bad... Oshi-san, I didn't think y'were lookin' forward ta livin' together with me so much.
Shu: With who? To what? What was I looking forward to!?
Do not get carried away with conceit! To begin with, It is your suggestive words and actions that caused my misunderstanding—
Mika: Wh-what is it? Oshi-san...?
Shu: Stop that timid, small animal-like behavior! It's irritating!
It is merely a phone call. When guests come, the landlady takes great care not to call me... Perhaps it is some urgent business?
Mika: A phone call? Ahh, I'll quiet down, then~ ♪
(A-actually, that might'a saved me. I hope it breaks this weird atmosphere.)
Shu: Hello? Oh, Nii-sama, how unusual is this? Is something wrong?
Yes, yes; it is troublesome, isn't it? I am doing well! Didn't I request that you leave me alone? Again, for what reason did—
... ... ...I understand.
Yes... I'll return home soon.
Mika: Wh-what's th'matter? Was that phone call jus' now from yer older brother— What happened?

Shu: It's grandfather...
Mika: Hm?
Shu: It seems that early this morning, my grandfather passed away.